The value of working together to manage counties in Texas?
The Texas Conference of Urban Counties is a non-profit organization composed of 35 member counties that represent approximately 79% of the population of Texas. The Urban Counties supports and coordinates communications among member counties, studies policies and programs of the State of Texas that affect urban counties, advocates county issues, primarily at the state level, and provides training and education programs appropriate for urban county officials. All services and activities are pursued for the benefit of the people of Texas.
What is the benefit of becoming an Urban Counties member?
Who is eligible to join?
Under the Urban Counties Constitution and Bylaws, a county is eligible for membership if it:
- Has a population of 100,000 or more in the last Census; or
- Is one of two adjacent counties that form one MSA with a total population greater than 100,000.
A county may also apply for membership in the Urban Counties if it:
- Is contiguous to a member county and within the same Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) as determined by the US Census Bureau.
- Applications for membership are considered at the next business meeting of the Urban Counties and are approved upon a majority vote of the members present.
How does an eligible county join?
Interested counties may contact Veronikah Sanford, Meeting and Membership Coordinator, the Urban Counties offices for assistance in joining the Urban Counties. A county joins (or makes application) by adopting a minute order authorizing the county to become a member of the association and authorizing the necessary expenditures for membership dues.